
Ruins of Intolerance #001

Ruins of Intolerance is a semi-regular gathering of artists active within and around the /-\ sdbs collective, taking on a different overarching theme each year. The themes are explored through performances, seminars, shapings and exhibitions. The goal of RoI is to bring together people in new ways, cooperating and creating within the context of unique locations, systematically addressing and confronting the larger issues of today at an emotional and artistic level.

RoI #001 — coming to terms with the legacy politics of the 20th Century

RoI #002 — mapping the religious and spiritual territories of our times

RoI #003 — tackling the issues of meaningful activity and self-actualization

RoI #004 — experiencing the potentials and opportunities of hidden spaces

RoI #005 — engaging the deeper realities of alternative ways of life

RoI #006 — realizing and conceptualizing the multi-faceted threat of collapse

Ruins of Intolerance #001