Split between czech weird rock outfit LEBANON and austrian free rock legends PRIMORDIAL UNDERMIND. These two bands met at Psych Tent 2017 where they both performed and this split tape is the sweet celebrational fruit of it. Now they are joyouslly reuniting for short czech – austrian tour where the split tape will be available.
released March 11, 2020
Eric Arn, Xavier Gonzales, Toni Rosa de Pauli, Christoph Weikinger
Recorded at Primitive Studios, Vienna 2019
Tereza Papáčková, Jakub Frank, Václav Hruška, Marcel Skýba
Petr Löffler – sax (1)
1,2 recorded by David Pšenčík at Studio Palba, Příkazy 2018
3,4 recorded at ZkušebnaTPB, Olomouc 2019
Cover Art by Julian Moran
Mixed and mastered by Tomáš Vtípil
Split between czech weird rock outfit LEBANON and austrian free rock legends PRIMORDIAL UNDERMIND. These two bands met at Psych Tent 2017 where they both performed and this split tape is the sweet celebrational fruit of it. Now they are joyouslly reuniting for short czech – austrian tour where the split tape will be available.